What is High-Functioning Anxiety? (An expert guide)

High-functioning anxiety is a 100% solvable but very misunderstood problem, which 18% of the population needlessly suffer from.
I am the leading expert in the world at discovering and solving the "real world" cause behind your high-functioning anxiety issues.
Reading this single post will solve the confusion and incorrect misunderstandings you have surrounding your own specific anxiety issues.

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

There are three types of chronic anxiety problems. (Based on the cause)

  1. Where anxiety is directly caused by extreme secondary issues such as drug addiction, bipolar, self-harm, ongoing abuse, illness, being homeless etc

  2. Anxiety which develops due to very low confidence, self-esteem and a negative self-image from childhood. This leads to someone feeling chronically anxious, nervous and submissive for most or all of their life. 

  3. High-functioning anxiety develops in people whose life has progressed fairly well.  But, who have been living in a low-level state of chronic stress for far too long... stress has stacked on top of stress until anxiety has finally taken over.  (panic, obsessions, high continuous anxiety or social anxiety)

All three groups can have anxiety symptoms which are equally as severe or debilitating.

But the cause of each group's anxiety is very, very different.

Knowing this is the single key to solving your anxiety issues easily.

Group 1 have a "capability" issue, where they are not capable of solving their anxiety issues until they solve their other more difficult problem first.  (Which they may or may not ever do)

Group 2 have a "capability" issue, whereby they cannot solve their anxiety issues until they face the challenges of life, which they are compulsively avoiding.  To succeed they have to build up their confidence and self-esteem step by step over 6-12+ months... And then and only then, will their lifetime of chronic anxiety and deep-seated insecurity issues finally end.

Group 3 have an issue which they are fully capable of solving straight away...  they CAN solve the issue, they ARE capable.

But they generally don't because of these two reasons.

  1.  Misinformation:  Most of the information they have read and watched  (or been told by a therapist/doctor) relating to anxiety, is advice based on helping groups 1 and 2 "manage" their anxiety.   It does not apply to them as the cause of their anxiety is completely different.  But it tricks millions of very capable people into "managing" the symptoms when they could easily solve the cause.

A homeless, drug addict with anxiety may have all the same symptoms of anxiety as someone running a successful business.

A doctor may diagnose both with a generalised anxiety disorder (based on shared symptoms).

But do they really have the same or even slightly similar anxiety problems?

Do you think their problems have the same cause?  (Or the same solution)

Are they both equally capable of solving this issue?   (Should they be given the same advice)

Should they both take the same medication or have the same type of therapy?

You have been tricked into enduring and "managing" your anxiety, which has only led to it growing incrementally worse over time and you becoming disempowered toward solving a problem which you otherwise would have solved.

This has led to you kicking the can down the round continuously and developing a long-term habit of avoiding dealing with the cause of your anxiety right NOW!

  1.  I have spent over 10,000 hours discussing high-functioning anxiety with my clients, from which I have realised three truths.

Firstly, anyone who functions fairly well in their life but develops anxiety. Does not need therapy, they simply need the correct advice and they will solve these issues 100% of the time.

Secondly, there is a universal truth, a truth which solves all of these problems in every case, every single time.

This truth allows you to see the invisible barrier which is stopping you from solving this problem.

Seeing the truth behind this is the only challenge which you face, this is true for every person, with every type of anxiety problem no matter the severity or type.

So why have YOU been trapped in anxiety, truly WHY... what is the factual undeniable answer!

Every person who develops high-functioning anxiety has a unique cause which is specific to them!

Finding the factual cause which is creating your lifetime of anxiety issues, is the single barrier you face toward solving this problem fully for life. Everyone who finds and accepts the cause solves the problem, period.

I didn't understand the cause of my own anxiety issues, which lead to me enduring them needlessly for 20 years. (No one needs to do this)

When you find the factual cause behind your anxiety, the true cause, the cause you cannot argue with.  It will reduce the thousands of actions you could take to improve your anxiety down to the 2-3 actions which you personally have to take.

The actions which will resolve your own underlying issues as to why you have become vulnerable to developing anxiety. Which actions to take becomes obvious when you clearly understand the pillars which reinforce your personal anxiety issues.

The right actions which are the perfect key to your exact lock will move you forward quicker and easier than anything else ever will.

Leading to 20% of the clients I work with solving their anxiety issues in 1-5 days after our first conversation.

Because once they understood the cause, that missing information gave them more expertise at solving their own issues, than the worlds leading therapist ever could.

The darkness surrounding their mental health is replaced by a clearheaded light of clarity.

And the difficult or impossible becomes simple and obvious.

You will for the first time be able to look to the future and simply choose whether you have anxiety or not.

You may still make mistakes and become overly stressed at times as we all do, but you will never be trapped by chronic anxiety issues again.

You will have mastered the cause behind all of your own specific anxiety issues.